Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Parents are confused. period. And because of that, children are too.

How many times have your mum or dad (or both?) told you to act like a grown-up coz according to them, you are one?

And how many times after that (not immediately after) and usually when you tell them you wanna buy or do something.... they say ... 'you're not old enough for dont know what the world is like out there...just listen to me, i know more...etc"

or parents forbidding their children from dating and having 'someone special', especially their daughters....and when the child turns 24, they will ask her, 'bila nak kahwin?'

crazy dude~

and to those parents that send their daughters to tuition whenever the kid has some extra time, emphasizing on the achievement of tremendous amount of As, shooing their kids into boarding schools and scoring Dean's List in the university....

do not complain later when they dont really know how to do the housework...cook for their husbands...being book smart and not street smart...

parents... stop confusing and twisting the minds of your children, please!

*these are based on my own, or friends' experiences...seriously...*

Saturday, April 12, 2008

sometimes, im in a relationship...sometimes...

you ever thought of all those time you wasted on relationship(s)?

i just got out of another one funny to think of the time, energy and emotions spent on those relationships...sometimes i wonder of more important and beneficial things i could have been doing instead of worrying and trying to make it work...

but on the bright side...i learned many things..bout myself, bout people, bout loving and being loved and the idea of loving another person...surviving a monogamous relationship...about life.

recently, i learned lesson number 171, is true, it is very possible to be attracted to someone because of something else apart from his looks (yeah yeah, late bloomer i am). now, am NOT saying the guy was unattractive,NO, he was NOT ugly..what i am saying here is, i was not initially attracted to his looks..we became friends and learned so many things about each other (and i learned alot about myself in the process too) and i fell for him. his stories of his past life, what he is doing right now and how he wants to live later..his dreams and missions..i was turned ON by these things especially the last part. i love guys with visions and missions and work hard in achieving them..and as each day passes, i admire him more and more and..i want to be by his there for him...silly eh? sometimes i think so.

but it did not work, me and that guy..our ideas on how to love another person differs. life goes on, am just 22. :)

sometimes i wonder whether i will meet and marry the guy of my dreams..whether those people that say they married the person of their dreams were telling the there such a person that fits your dreams to the dot? impossible? i think so. life is an enigma, yes, but it is possible to find the guy that is ALMOST the kind of person i would like to be with..or, i would probably meet someone who is not, but what 'i want' in 'my man' changes.. is an enigma, and so am i..sometimes... :)

sometimes..things are not how i thought it would be, but still i feel happy. crazy? sometimes i think so too.. :)